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Birthdays in the workplace Policy in Pakistan

Birthdays in the workplace Policy in Pakistan

Birthdays in the workplace Policy in Pakistan

Organization perceives the significance of birthday celebrations as an achievement in one’s life and the premium of a portion of its representatives in commending their collaborators’ birthdays.  Company additionally perceives, in any case, that a few group don’t wish to have their birthday events freely celebrated.  To adjust these interests, Company presents the approach in regards to birthday events in the work environment in Pakistan. As bakisto is as of now working with number of organizations to praise birthday events of representatives with shock present of birthday cakes.

here are some of out thoughts to suggest companies in Pakistan, how to plan employees birthdays:

Step 1: Gather the information at the hiring stage:

In the hiring paperwork for new employees include a quick questionnaire about birthdays, including questions like:

These questions let you know up front whether an employee prefers to celebrate or not, as many people feel uncomfortable with the attention, and also make sure you are aware of any potential safety issues – few cake isn’t great for those with nut allergies.  If an employee chooses not to acknowledge their birthday in the workplace, respect this decision. If you think it might just be shyness and disregard their wishes and can have an open discussion with those employees

Step 2: Come up with a consistent practice:
Set a policy on how birthdays will be celebrated in the workplace. Here are a few options employers have used (keep in mind your company size when picking a policy):

As with all things employment related, consistency is key. Celebrating one employee’s birthday more than another’s might lead to hurt feelings, awkward situations.

we at bakisto, already with working with number of companies in Lahore, Pakistan where we deliver birthday cakes at their homes with greeting card from the employer.


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